This website – – is not about “more” or “less”, but to shamelessly dis-cover the root of our collective sickness in myself.
Being together as friends, as a catalyst for effort-less positive change, always here and now.

Today (12/07) I met a new friend – Stephen, a retired therapist –, while flying from Tucson (Arizona), to San Diego (California).
It was a most delightful and inspiring flight! Not only did we take off at 11:00 and landed at 10:58, but everything we spoke about was profound and alive.
So precious and amazing, to meet a so called stranger, and to resonate so deeply and intimately.
There is more than hope to dis-cover and share that life is not about more money, excitement and future happiness.
Wisdom and love are not scary words; but how to give them inner space to freely do what ‘me’ cannot understand or control?
This website is currently a commitment device, a safe space, to not only debunk suffering, but also to gather practical pointers that will transform our dysfunctional world, starting in you me.
Being alive is a great gift and opportunity, but in my ‘own case’ it took 50+ years to wake up, to understand and dis-cover the subtle discernment within myself, that determines flow or stagnation, heaven or hell.
So embarrassing, that it took so long to see and feel the simple difference between pleasure and happiness, peace and suffering?
I am not on a mission to save the world, I don’t claim that my words are perfect, but I experience that positive change is inevitable and takes care of itself, with a little bravery.
I don’t want anything from you personally.
No money, no fame can replace or intensify the quiet joy and ‘yes’ to Life that is everyone’s birthright, here and now.
Send me an email, shamelessly:, or meet us at the;
what do you have to lose besides fear and doubt?
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