Read me first…
There is more than hope to dis-cover and share that life is not about more money, excitement and future happiness. Wisdom and love are not scary words; but how to give them inner space to freely do what ‘me’ cannot understand or control?
Pep Talk
“Your business is to awaken
from the impression of separation and limitation.”
Magdi@SanghaOfOne.com“Being a freelancer means you get all the downsides of running a business without the upside of scalability, and all the downsides of having a job without the security. You’re essentially taking on the worst of both worlds.”
Daniel Priestley on Ali Abdaal’s Deep Dive Podcast
“Confused by thoughts, we experience duality in life. Unencumbered by ideas, the enlightened see the one Reality.”
Chinese Buddhist Teacher
What can I do?
1 conscious breath, every hour.
Suffering is a misunderstanding.
The assumed sufferer has a sophisticated self-defense mechanism, keeping us busy being busy.
All of humanity’s problems
stem from man’s inability
to sit quietly in a room
alone for five minutes.
Blaise Pascal1 conscious breath, again and again, with a sense of wonder and gratitude… It will effortlessly add up to Blaise’s 5 minutes 🥰.
George shared the idea of one conscious breath 🫁 during one of our meetings at the Garden Of Friends.
Less is more?
Life as art!
… not anymore a problem to solve, but a mystery to joyfully/bravely live.
yOur Village
Thank you Beth, for sharing the videos ❤️ I can see myself/us living in a community of friends, of truth lovers, to allow in-team-a-see.
1 conscious breath, every hour.
Suffering is a misunderstanding. The assumed sufferer has a sophisticated self-defense mechanism.
Love = improved functioning
Universal Love is not a sentimental idea. It is, rather, a profound understanding of consciousness and reality with practical applications for achieving greater clarity, understanding, and ultimately, success, in the business world.
Apathy and depression
Holger: from my own experience, I highly recommend the GardenOfFriends.com as a place to give myself a voice, to feel, to relax, to risk, to trust. Nothing bad can happen, besides waving bye bye to the paper tigers, the me-virus.com
Who is the mind talking to?
As thoughts and feelings arise, they create an illusion of a separate self, but upon closer examination, this “me” dissolves, revealing that we are not our thoughts or emotions; rather, we are the awareness that witnesses them 03:17. The video encourages viewers to shift their focus from identifying with thoughts to recognizing their true nature…