  • Read me first…

    There is more than hope to dis-cover and share that life is not about more money, excitement and future happiness. Wisdom and love are not scary words; but how to give them inner space to freely do what ‘me’ cannot understand or control?

Pep Talk
  • “Your business is to awaken
    from the impression of separation and limitation.”


    “Being a freelancer means you get all the downsides of running a business without the upside of scalability, and all the downsides of having a job without the security. You’re essentially taking on the worst of both worlds.”

    ​Daniel Priestley on Ali Abdaal’s Deep Dive Podcast​

    “Confused by thoughts, we experience duality in life. Unencumbered by ideas, the enlightened see the one Reality.”

    Chinese Buddhist Teacher

What can I do?
  • Who is the mind talking to?

    ai summary (memex.garden)

    The video explores the concept of self-awareness and the nature of identity through meditation. It begins by questioning the essence of “me” and suggests that our sense of self is merely a small part of a larger awareness 00:30. The narrator emphasizes that life consists of a continuous flow of experiences, which are observed by a constant, unchanging awareness 01:49.

    As thoughts and feelings arise, they create an illusion of a separate self, but upon closer examination, this “me” dissolves, revealing that we are not our thoughts or emotions; rather, we are the awareness that witnesses them 03:17. The video encourages viewers to shift their focus from identifying with thoughts to recognizing their true nature as pure awareness 06:30.

    The narrator explains that the mind generates an ongoing narrative that can trap us in a false sense of identity. By questioning who the mind is speaking to, one can uncover that there is no separate entity behind these thoughts; instead, it is simply mental activity occurring within awareness 08:25.

    Ultimately, the video advocates for integrating this understanding into daily life, allowing individuals to experience freedom from the illusion of a separate self and embrace their authentic nature as silent witnesses to existence.

Less is more?

  • Life as art!

    … not anymore a problem to solve, but a mystery to joyfully/bravely live.


  • yOur Village

    Thank you Beth, for sharing the videos ❤️ I can see myself/us living in a community of friends, of truth lovers, to allow in-team-a-see.


  • 1 conscious breath, every hour.

    Suffering is a misunderstanding. The assumed sufferer has a sophisticated self-defense mechanism.


  • Love = improved functioning

    Universal Love is not a sentimental idea. It is, rather, a profound understanding of consciousness and reality with practical applications for achieving greater clarity, understanding, and ultimately, success, in the business world.


  • Apathy and depression

    Holger: from my own experience, I highly recommend the GardenOfFriends.com as a place to give myself a voice, to feel, to relax, to risk, to trust. Nothing bad can happen, besides waving bye bye to the paper tigers, the me-virus.com


  • Who is the mind talking to?

    As thoughts and feelings arise, they create an illusion of a separate self, but upon closer examination, this “me” dissolves, revealing that we are not our thoughts or emotions; rather, we are the awareness that witnesses them 03:17. The video encourages viewers to shift their focus from identifying with thoughts to recognizing their true nature…
